For solid, liquid and gaseous media of a 1-substance medium, particle size and velocity as well as their electrical charge are assumed to be homogeneous. Even though plasma is often referred to as the fourth aggregate state, products of particles split by electrical or thermal excitation are not comparable in terms of mass, velocity or electrical charge. A local differentiation of the velocity distributions of the different particle classes is therefore indispensable.

The description of the ionization process as well as the prediction of the charge-related interaction of the charge carriers with each other and the simulation of the magnetic fields generated by their own movement complement the broad field of plasma modelling. The focus here is on the investigation of:

  • Movement of free electrons
  • Ionization of dilute gases
  • Macroscopic modeling of viscosity, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity
  • Electromagnetic acceleration of ionized gases

In addition to the prediction of atmospheric discharges, areas of application include the simulation of arc discharges in welding processes, the design of thermo-electric engines and the simulation of electrical ionization processes, as they play a role in magneto-plasma-dynamic engines.